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Repatriation of Mortal Remains


In this whitepaper, Patrick Deroose, RN, outlines “best practices” in this unique space where he is considered a world subject matter expert. He has personally overseen thousands of RMRs around the world over the last three decades. The text that follows is based on his personal experiences; it is a meticulously detailed consolidation of his lists that also considers the welfare of the family of the deceased throughout. 

Patrick’s narrative is deliberately repetitive to emphasize to the reader the importance of every step. The report begins with a preparation “recipe,” for any organization, regardless of industry sector. The process itself is complicated and he reinforces it with a checklist. He even addresses the multiple “misadventures” that are possible in the process! Such a humble and transparent approach reminds the reader that even after extensive planning and the best service delivery, unpredictable events can still occur