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A study of Individual Resilience and Support within the Energy - Mining and Infrastructure (EMI) Sector

Employees in the Energy, Mining and Infrastructure (EMI) sector have been identified as a high-risk population group exposed to both workplace and lifestyle hazards and sources of significant psychosocial stress related to turnover. The study proposes that, for international assignees working in isolated work environments, resilience and self-efficacy as personal resources influence a number of desirable outcomes including job satisfaction, work engagement, wellbeing, organisational commitment and intention to quit. The study further proposes that sources of support will affect individual resilience and self-efficacy. The study was conducted on remote sites in Indonesia with two large organisations in the EMI sector. Overall, good support for the hypotheses was found. Resilience as the key factor was found to be associated with job satisfaction, work engagement, wellbeing, organisational commitment and intention to quit. Perceived organisational support and having your children on site were positively related to resilience. Implications for practice and management are discussed.